Rose Haven Winter Drive

In partnership with Rose Haven, the Portland Lesbian Choir will be collecting some much needed items at our upcoming winter concert, Coming out of the Dark, at Parkrose Performing Arts Center on December 21st and 22nd. All items donated will support women, children, and gender non-conforming folks experiencing the trauma of abuse, loss of home, and other disruptive life challenges. Please drop off your donations to the collection table on the day of the concert. Your donations are greatly appreciated. Items currently in need are listed below:

  • Hand Warmers

  • Waterproof gloves

  • New socks

  • Full sized hygiene products

    • Soap

    • Shampoo

    • Conditioner

    • Lotion

Our Mission

The Portland Lesbian Choir builds harmony and community through compelling musical performances. We elevate LGBTQIA2S+ voices, emphasize equity, and encourage collaboration, growth and service.


PLC has been performing since 1986. Find out more about our organization, concerts, and how you can get involved!

We have a pianist.jpg

Get Involved

We are an all-inclusive choir who loves to sing together and we always love seeing new faces. Want to join the choir?

Support US

Your donations don't just allow us to survive, they allow us to thrive! We could not do this without your support.

Thank you to our sponsors!