Who We Are
mission Statement
The Portland Lesbian Choir builds harmony and community through compelling musical performances. We elevate LGBTQIA2S+ voices, emphasize equity, and encourage collaboration, growth and service.
vision statement
The Portland Lesbian Choir envisions an equity-centered community that celebrates resiliency and belonging while radicallly changing lives through music.
Founded in 1986, our culture is steeped in the lesbian community. Our membership includes people of various sexual, romantic, gender, and relationship orientations; we welcome all! Everyone is on a journey. Everyone has a story. As we get to know each other, we share those stories. We respect our likeness and celebrate our differences. We listen and speak our truth with kindness. We practice forgiveness as we learn to speak a language that serves us individually and as a whole.
We reach out to the greater community of Portland, Oregon by offering special performances to some who have not heard a chorus like ours, by providing panels and tables sharing information about our choir, and by acting individually and together in service.