Deadline for Nominations for the 2025-2026 Season are due by March 21, 2025 5pm
Are you interested in being part of the PLC Leadership? Do you know someone who might be a good candidate? We are happy to consider your application/recommendation to serve on our Board of Directors. Complete the form at this link PLC Board Nomination to get things started.
PLC Board of Directors
toni jaffe, president (she/her)
Retired Chief Human Resources Officer
Former Board member: American Red Cross, Oregon Trail Chapter; Banfield Charitable Trust Foundation; Basic Rights Oregon; Big Brothers Big Sisters Columbia Northwest; Citizens Review Committee; Equity Foundation; Human Rights Campaign; L’Chaim Center of the North Shore; MJCC Human Resources Committee; PSU Human Resources Advisory Council
susan hunter, vice president (she/her)
Former Board member: Portland Women’s Crisis Line; Troutdale Chamber of Commerce; Multnomah Community Television; Prostitution Research and Education; Willamette Valley Development Officers; Vice President of Advancement to National University of Natural Medicine
Significant experience in development, coordinating fundraising events, marketing to diverse communities. Lifetime fundraising total $15.83 million. Fundraising Director for Portland Lesbian Choir 2019 to present, raising more than $100,000
Tim bartunek, secretary (he/him)
Senior Program Manager, Sodexo USA (Food and Facilities Management)
20 years, many positions including Director of Catering, Resident Dining & General Manager, Portland Gay Men's Chorus Leadership positions include President, Vice President, & Secretary of the Board. 4 years of board service with PGMC
katie quick, treasurer
Certified Financial Planner, Coldstream Wealth Management, serves on DEI Committee; Author of articles about LBGTQ+ financially related issues; Co-Chair, PSU Advocates, an alumni team advocating for funding from state leaders and legislators; Former Board member of HOA, budgeting and forecasting for funding
christi smith-ryan, board (she/her)
jim fotter, board (he/him)
Teacher and Coach, Central Catholic High School; High School State Representative for National Strength and Conditioning Assoc.; National High School Strength and Conditioning Coach Assoc. Advisory Committee; Moderator for Women in Sports Affinity group at Central Catholic High School; Former Board member of multiple advisory committees for women’s sports/coaching in national and local organizations
Retired teacher, union leader and union staff (Wyoming, Maine, Washington, Oregon); Oregon Education Assn Executive Director 2017-2022
Former Board member: Northern Lambda Nord (Community
Center in Caribou, ME); Maine Gay Men’s Chorus; Northwest Bears (Seattle); Seattle Unity Church; Portland, Oregon Q Center; The Trevor Project – volunteer counselor supporting LGBTQ+ youth
kat hamilton, board (she/her)
london ballard, board (she/her)
Retired Attorney, Appellate Litigation Los Angeles City Attorney’s Office (20+ years)
Former Board Member: Southern California Women for Understanding 1981-1989 (Lesbian educational organization); South Coast Chorale (Long Beach, CA GALA Chorus, President);
Grants Administrator for Portland Lesbian Choir 2019 to present
Attorney, Morris Family Law
Multnomah County Bar Association, Court Liaison Committee; OGALLA (Oregon Gay and Lesbian Legal Association), Board
Mentorship Committee Co-Chair; St. Andrew Legal Clinic's Race
for Justice, Fundraising Board
madeleine tran, board (she/her)
Administrator, Renegade Opera
Assisted in Board development, helped build seasons, plan fundraising events and produce performances.
sparky lindsay, board (any/all)
Asst. Professor Portland State University
Member Faculty Senate, Vice President Grievances and Academic Freedom for Faculty Union; Founding Member, Portland Lesbian
Choir – service as President, Production Coordinator and co-Treasurer; Former Board member: Lesbian Community Education Project
(Vice Chair, Chair); Southeast Uplift Board;
Buckman Community Assn. Board (Chair,
Co-Chair); Central Eastside Urban Renewal
Advisory Board (Chair); City-appointed Task
Forces, LGBTQ+ historical registry group
amanda matteo, board (she/her)
Current PLC Choir Coordinator ('24-'25); Previous PLC Positions: Board President ('23-'24), Membership Coordinator ('20-'23), Tenor Representative ('18-'20). Licensed harm reduction addictions counseling supervisor experienced in mediation. Strong advocate; "Singer of the Heart" award recipient (Sweethearts of Portland '24)